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at the rhythm of your footsteps

Wide Open is a small family owned tour operator based in Akureyri. We take individuals and small groups on hikes, scenic tours and journeys in the north, the interior and around the country. Wide Open is all about nature and exploring new horizons.

Our Story

Wide Open is run by An-Katrien Lecluyse and Leo Broers, two Belgians living in Iceland. Almost 20 years ago we started guiding camping and hiking tours in the pristine highland of Iceland. In 2013 we felt the urge to move to the country we love so much and settled in Akureyri.


Our two kids Sindri (7ys) and Lóa (4ys) are born here in this slow-paced and child-friendly community. We couldn't have wished for a better place to start a family and raise our children. As a family, we spend as much time as possible outdoors. Hiking, camping, watching birds, clouds or stars, skiing, skating, cycling and swimming. This way we hope our love for nature sparks the next generation.


Our Family

Wide Open started in 2015 as a local tour operator offering snowshoeing and hiking tours from Akureyri. Later we also included scenic tours to volcanic areas around Mývatn, coastal tours to Siglufjörður and places far more hidden.


Travelers who choose Wide Open treasure being out in nature away from the crowds.

They value our personal approach and the sincerity of a small family company. They know we are accessible, flexible, and always ready with advice about traveling in Iceland. 


We provide tours in English, Dutch, French and Spanish.

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Address: Aðalstræti 54a, 600 Akureyri 

Tel: 00354 659 3992

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© 2024 Wide Open

Aðalstræti 54a, 600 Akureyri

Registered Icelandic tour operator
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